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System login

Login to the Siette system can be done either directly or through some other platform in which Siette is integrated, for example access through Moodle. In this second case, the user will only have to identify themselves in their system, using the username and password they have. The external system will communicate with Siette and, since a trust relationship has previously been established between both, it will let the user in indicating that it comes from an external system.

Direct login to Siette is done through a login form with username and password. The username is not case sensitive. The password is. The email address can also be used instead of the username in this field. A user can have multiple accounts in the Siette system, all linked to the same email. In this case, the login selects the first account for which the email address and password match.

By pressing the button "Anonymous access" you enter the system without having to identify yourself previously. However, when accessing anonymously, only those tests that allow this type of access will appear.

At the bottom of this form there are four links, the first of which is used to speed up login into a synchronized test, using an identifier (PIN) previously provided by the teacher. The following link allows to create a new user. The user is created with the "Student" rol, and it is only allowed to see the subjects and the evaluations whose access has not been restricted. The third link is used to modify the password via email message. The last one is a link to this page.

en/qgstudent/login.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/13 10:11 by root

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