
SIETTE is a web based application that allow the development and maintenance of a bank of questions and the assessment using different techniques and strategies, providing full control over the selection and finalization of the assessment, and assessment access.

Siette includes several types of questions, from multiple-choice to open questions, including sorting and matching questions, assessment of mathematical content, and other user defined plug-ins extensions. It supports the assessment of complex objects like computer programs, or complex tasks that require user interaction, like drawing or music playing.

It includes question generation from templates that can retrieve the contain from spreadsheets, data bases or the semantic web.

Siette implements the Classical test theory (CTT), the Item Response Theory (IRT), and can deliver Computer Adaptive Test (CAT).

The system integrates tools for learning analytics and Psychometrics indicators from CTT and IRT, as well as links to callibration programs (Multilog, etc.), data visualization programs (Ingrid), plagiarism detection software (MOSS) and gamification elements (under development).

It can be used as a tool for collaborative learning or as an assessment module of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). The system can be plugged into a Learning Management System (LMS) like Moodle