===== Virtual test ===== The virtual test is a test that is created internally in Siette for use in [[en:manual:integracion:links:items|integration with external systems]] that only require Siette to present the questions independently. The virtual test is created automatically when the [[en:help_subjects_data#Allow the use of questions as independent content|Allow]] option is selected in the [[en:help_subjects_data|Subject data]] section. In subjects with multiple languages, it is necessary to create a virtual test for each of those languages. By deactivating the option, the virtual test is not destroyed, so as not to lose the data of the sessions carried out, it simply remains inactive. When created automatically, the [[en:manual:test:virtual|virtual test]] includes the default options that are appropriate for this use. For example, it allows [[en:manual:test:criterios_presentacion#reverse|reverse]] and allows to [[en:help_test_presentation#Allow to resume the test if it has been interrupted|resume the test]], allows [[en:help_test_presentation#Allow anonymous access to the test|anonymous access]], etc. These options should not be changed because they may lead to inappropriate behavior. Therefore, by default this test is not shown in the subject's test list. However, if you want to modify them or simply want to see the results obtained by the students in the different sessions, you can tell Siette to show it in the [[en:help_preferences_test|Test preferences]] tab. When the option to allow the use of questions independently is activated and the virtual test has been automatically created, the questions will allow their use in this mode by default. To prevent certain questions from being exposed, this option can be modified in the [[en:help_items_selection|Questions section selection]] tab. The questions created prior to the virtual test will maintain the ''no'' option in this field, and all new questions created after activating this option will, by default, contain the ''yes'' option. To modify this field globally to a set of questions, the [[en:help_search_lastsearch#Allow independent use of these questions|corresponding action]] can be used after applying a [[en:help_search_items|questions search]] form. Links can also be generated in bulk for a set of questions. To do this, you must select the virtual test on the [[en:help_search_items|question search]] page, and subsequently for all the questions of this test (the so-called [[en:manual:items:independent|standalone questions]] ), [[en:help_search_lastsearch#Generate links and QR codes|generate the corresponding links or QR codes]] The virtual test is a special test, and is intended as an internal test, not to be used directly like the other tests, so it will not appear in the [[en:help_menu_test#test list|test list]] available for your use. realization, not even for users with teacher permission in the subject. It will only appear in the editor, in the [[en:help_test|Test]] section if this option has previously been selected in the [[en:help_preferences_test#Hide virtual tests|preferences]].